Sunday, October 17, 2010

One Week

One Week
Last week, after reading a story in the New York Times about self-control, I decided that I should take a week away from alcohol and sweets, just to prove to myself that I could do it. I used to consider myself to be quite an expert at self-control (maybe even self-denial), and so I thought that it would be a good opportunity to show myself that I still had it. I don’t think that my typical levels of alcohol and sweets consumption are harmful or bad, it was more of a matter of taking some time away from what I consider to be my vices (at least to some degree) to think about them.

I was surprised to find it more difficult than I expected (which I suppose is a little redundant). The occasional craving for a cookie or a doughnut was tolerable, although passing on trying a piece of homemade birthday cake was difficult. Not having anything to drink was tougher. I typically have a drink every evening. From everything I’ve read, drinking in moderation is supposed to be a healthy habit, and it’s certainly something I enjoy. I was able to have relaxing evenings without it, but sometimes I really did crave it. I started my little experiment on a Friday, which meant that day six landed on a Thursday. On Thursdays is the show Fringe, which I watch more consistently than any other, and part of that habit is that I have my evening drink while I’m watching. So I decided that sticking to my guns wasn’t so important, and I poured myself a shot of bourbon to sip throughout the show. I definitely enjoyed it.

On day seven I went to a party and promptly forgot about taking a break from my vices, but I did manage to remind myself of one important thing: alcohol is something that I want to continue to enjoy for a long time, and that requires enjoying it always in moderation.